To fix a NaN error in JavaScript, don't mix numbers with non-numbers in arithmetics, and make sure, that the string that you pass into
and parseFloat
holds a number.Don't mix numbers with non-numbers in arithmetics
Check whether you're adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing a number
by something other than a number
(like a string
or an object
const ok = 3 / 2;
const nan1 = 3 / 'a';
const nan2 = 3 / {};
console.log(ok); // 1.5
console.log(nan1); // NaN
console.log(nan2); // NaN
and parseFloat
Check whether you're trying to parse something, that cannot be turned into a number
const ok1 = parseInt('345');
const ok2 = parseFloat('345.67');
const nan1 = parseInt('Hello World!');
const nan2 = parseFloat(true);
const nan3 = parseFloat([ 'Hello', 'World' ]);
console.log(ok); // 345
console.log(ok2); // 345.67
console.log(nan1); // NaN
console.log(nan2); // NaN
console.log(nan3); // NaN